IIC Messages
Each message sent between companies is transferred via an entry in the IIC Message table. The following fields are available in the IIC Message table:
Message No. - Specifies a current number of the message.
Message ID - Specifies the unique ID of the message.
Document ID - Specifies the unique ID of the document.
Direction - Specifies the direction of the message for the company as Inbound or Outbound.
From - Specifies a sender of the message.
To - Specifies a receiver of the message.
Created Date/Time - Specifies the date and time when the message entry was created.
Message Type - Specifies the type of the message. It refers to the IIC Message Type table.
Sent - Specifies whether the message was successfully sent.
Sent by User ID - Specifies a user who is sending the message.
Sent Date/Time - Specifies the date and time when the message was sent.
Received - Specifies whether the message was successfully received.
Received by User ID - Specifies a user who is receiving the message.
Received Date/Time - Specifies the date and time when the message was received.
Confirm Processing - Specifies whether a message needs the delivery confirmation.
Processed - Specifies whether the message was successfully processed.
Processed by User ID - Specifies a user who processed the message.
Processed Date/Time - Specifies the date and time when the message was processed.
Buffered - Specifies whether the message is buffered (an internal field).
Buffer Processed - Specifies whether the buffered message has been processed.
Error - The field is not used anymore.
Errors Count - Specifies the sum of error entries.
Status Code - It is an auxiliary field that specifies the current document status.
Compressed - Specifies whether the message has been compressed.
The following actions are available on the IIC Messages page:
Send - Specifies that a user is allowed to send a message (if it has not been sent before). This action is available for outbound messages only.
Process - Specifies that a user is allowed to process a message. This action is available for inbound messages only.
Show Message Data
Each message can be displayed in the XML format. To display a message in the XML format, use the Show Message Data action on the IIC Messages page.
Messages Clearing
To prevent database growth, you can configure a retention policy that will run periodically to clean up old IIC messages and related records. For more information, see Technical Log Clearing.