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Local Functionality for Poland

Local functionality for Poland has been provided as a separate application - Bonuses & Accruals Extension PL that extends the Bonuses & Accruals base application.


Bonuses & Accruals Extension PL requires both Bonuses & Accruals and Polish Localization applications installed.

Bonuses & Accruals Extension PL is an extension of Bonuses & Accruals and it provides compliance with the Polish National System of e-Invoices (KSeF) for processing bonus settlement documents. To create bonus sales credit memos, the application utilizes the Sales Correction Wizard, a feature available within the Polish Localization application for Business Central. For more information, see Sales Correction Wizard in the Polish Localization documentation.

Additionally, in order to ensure compatibility, the application provides an alternative method for assigning the corrections of the originally posted sales invoices to the right bonus period.


Since the Polish National System of e-Invoices requires that invoice corrections should be issued with the corrected document link, the bonus settlement document should not be considered as a standalone rebate for a period, but as a regular correction of one or more invoices.

Setting up Bonuses & Accruals Extension PL

Bonuses & Accruals Extension PL utilizes the general setup features available within the Bonuses & Accruals base application.

Bonus Type

To provide compliance of a bonus settlement document with the Polish National System of e-Invoices, you need to create a dedicated bonus type.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter Bonus Types, and then choose the related link.

  2. Choose New to add a new bonus type.

  3. The following fields are already filled in with default values in compliance with the requirements of the Polish National System of e-Invoices:

    • Correction Bonus - Specifies how corrections are placed within the bonus period. The default value provided by Bonuses & Accruals Extension PL is Linked to Invoice. With this setting, the source entry is assigned to a bonus period based on the the corrected document posting date.

    • Group Settlement Lines - Specifies how settlement document lines are created. The default value set in Bonuses & Accruals Extension PL is Line Wizard. With this setting, correction lines are created by using the sales correction wizard available within the Polish Localization application.

    • Max. No. of Settlement Lines - Specifies the maximum number of settlement lines. If the maximum number is exceeded, a new settlement document is created. The blank value indicates no limit. The default value set in Bonuses & Accruals Extension PL is 5000.


    Polish National System of e-Invoices can receive up to 10 000 lines per document. To meet this requirement, the of Settlement Lines value should be set up to 5000. Note that each settlement line is created from two document lines - the Before and After correction lines.

  4. Fill in the following field:

    • Sales Correction Reason - Specifies the correction reason used by bonus settlement documents. The correction type must be set to Discount.
  5. Make sure the Settle Per field value refers to Source Currency, because the settlements must be made in source transaction currencies.

Understanding the Bonus Linked to Invoice Correction

Until the bonus card is open, all sales credit memos posted (even outside the bonus period) are included in the bonus amount calculation. However, credit memos are included only if they are linked to the sales invoice from the bonus period. The following picture illustrates how the sales credit memos are linked to the corrected invoice, taking into account the posting period.

January: The bonus card has already been closed. Therefore, only sales invoice no. SI001 was included in the bonus amount calculation. As the bonus card is already closed, sales credit memo SCM002 (which corrects sales invoice no. SI001 ) was not included. For not closed bonus card, sales credit memo SCM002 would be included in January.

February: The bonus card has not been closed. Therefore, sales invoice no. SI002 was included in the bonus amount calculation. In the same bonus period, sales credit memo no. SCM001 was posted. Sales credit memo no. SCM001 corrects sales invoice SI002, so it decreases the bonus amount. SCM002 (which corrects SI001) does not have any impact on the bonus calculation in February. Moreover, SCM003 (which corrects SI002) that was posted in March also decreases the bonus amount.

Collective Correction Invoice

The Bonuses & Accruals Extension PL application supports the creation of a collective correction invoice that enables you to process multiple sales invoices with a bonus calculated per period. To create a collective correction invoice:

  1. Create a sales bonus card and select the customer with invoices to be corrected.
  2. In the Starting Date and Ending Date fields, define the period from which the sales invoices should be collected.
  3. In the Code field, select the bonus type code which has been set up for Bonuses & Accruals Extension PL.
  4. In the Source Asset Set Code field, select a code to limit the source entries for which the bonus is to be calculated.
  5. Set up a single threshold with no starting amount and required correction percentage.
  6. Choose the Release action to release the sales bonus card.
  7. Review the bonus entries and use the Exclude/Include action to decide which documents should not be corrected.
  8. Close and settle the bonus. For more information, read Bonus Settlement.

As the result, the system will create a sales credit memo document to correct all the sales invoices issued within the period with the specified percentage. Such a document will be created according to the requirements of the Polish National System of e-Invoices. Each line of the sales credit memo will contain a reference to the original sales invoice.

See Also

Polish Localization

Bonus Card

Bonus Type

Sales Correction Wizard