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Inventory Aging Analysis

Polish Localization for Business Central provides the Inventory Aging Analysis report. It shows the overview of inventory quantities and values in any four selected periods.

Creating the Report

To prepare the Inventory Aging Analysis report:

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter Inventory Aging Analysis, and then select a related link.

  2. On the initial report page, on the General FastTab fill in the following fields:

    • Ending Date - Specify a date to be used to calculate the inventory aging periods.
    • Show Details - Specify how the report is to show the individual entries on the basis of which inventory values and quantities are calculated.
    • Aging Period – Specify the maximum number of days of inventory aging. There are 4 fields called Aging Period, where you can enter 4 consecutive storage periods. All the fields have to be filled in.
  3. On the Filters FastTab fill in the filter fields to limit the scope of data that you want to include in the report:

    • Item No. - Select one or more items for which you want to prepare a report. If you do not fill in the field, all items are displayed.
    • Inventory Posting Group - Select one or more inventory posting groups to which items for which you want to limit data displayed in the report are linked. If you do not fill in the field, all items are displayed.
    • Item Category Code - Select one or more item categories for which you want to limit the scope of data displayed in the report. If you do not fill in the field, all items are displayed.
    • Location Filter - Select one or more locations for which you want to limit the scope of data displayed in the report. If you do not fill in the field, all items are displayed.
  4. After you set appropriate filters, select the Show Matrix action .


If you run the Inventory Aging Analysis report for the first time, a message appears on the report page with a request to update the item entries with the input entry number. This is a one-time modification that can block the operation of the system for a longer period of time. To perform this update outside of business hours, you can use the action on the Inventory Setup page.


If you update entries by using the Inventory Setup page, you must first add the Update Original Inbound Item Entry No. field on the ribbon.