Working with General Business Posting Groups in Warehouse Transactions
In the standard version of Business Central transfer orders, production orders and assembly ordersare posted by default with the settings defined on the General Posting Setup page in the lines with a blank Gen. Bus Posting Group field.
Polish Localization allows you to select the codes of general business posting groups on the Transfer Orders, Production Orders, Assembly Orders pages. It is also possible to define the default code of a general business posting group.
The following sections describe the use of the general business posting group code in transfer orders. General business posting group codes are used similarly to codes used for production orders and assembly orders.
In the standard version of Business Central, the code of a general business posting group can also be selected in the inventory journals which enables you to indirectly define the G/L accounts to be used to post shortage and surplus quantities that have been calculated in the physical inventory process. Polish Localization allows you to define default codes of general business posting groups used to record surpluses and shortages that result from physical inventory.calculations.
Setting up General Business Posting Groups in Warehouse Transactions
To define the default codes of a general business posting group for transfer orders and physical inventory shortages and surpluses:
Choose , enter Inventory Setup, and then select a related link.
On Inventory Setup page, on the Posting FastTab, in the drop-down list select Def. Gen. Bus. Posting Group field to select general business posting group code. The settings of this group have been defined on the Gen. Posting Setup page and they will be used while posting inventory shipments/receipts as part of transfer order processing.
On the Physical Inventory FastTab, choose the Def. Gen. Bus. Post. Gr. Phys. Inv. Surpluses field to display the drop-down list and select the code of the general business posting group. The settings of this group have been defined on the General Posting Setup page and they will be used while posting Positive Adjustment type entries in the physical inventory journal. Next, choose the Def. Gen. Bus. Post. Gr. Phys. Inv. Shortages field to select the code of the general business posting group. The settings of this group have been defined on the General Posting Setuppage and whey will be valid while posting Negative Adjustment type entries in the physical inventory journal.
Creating Transfer Orders with General Business Posting Groups in Warehouse Transactions
To create transfer orders by using the general business posting group:
Choose , enter Transfer Orders, and then select a related link.
On the Transfer Orders page that opens, select New.
After assigning the number, on the new transfer order card, the application automatically enters the code that was selected in the Def. Gen. Bus. Posting Group field on the Inventory Setup page. If required, the code that was inserted by default can be changed manually.
Post the shipment and the receipt. The posting result can be viewed by navigating posted documents.
To view the results of posting the shipment and receipt, select the ![Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon , enter Posted Transfer Shipments and then select the related link.
On the Posted Transfer Shipments page that opens, select the appropriate line and select Navigate.
On the Navigation page, choose the G/L Entry table and select Show Related Entries.
Choose , enter Posted Transfer Receipts, and then select a related link.
On the Posted Transfer Receipts page that opens, select the appropriate line and select Navigate.
On the Navigation page, choose the G/L Entry table and select Show Related Entries.
Using General Business Posting Groups in the Physical Inventory Journal
To use a general business posting group in the physical inventory journal:
Choose , enter Phys. Inventory Journal, and then select a related link.
On the Physical Inventory Journal page that opens, select the Calculate Inventory action.
In the journal lines, the system will automatically fill in the Gen. Bus. Posting Group field with the code that was selected in the Def. Gen. Bus. Post. Gr. Phys. Inv. Surpluses field on the Inventory Setup page. After filling in the Qty. (Phys. Inventory) field, the system will automatically identify the quantity as a surplus or shortage and change the code in the Gen. Bus. Posting Group field, based on the code selected in the Def. Gen. Bus. Post. Gr. Phys. Inv. Surpluses and Def. Gen. Bus. Post. Gr. Phys. Inv. Shortages fields on the Inventory Setup page.
Post the physical inventory journal.
To view posting results in the physical inventory journal entries, choose the !, enter G/L Registers, and then select the related link.
On the G/L Registers page that opens, select the line with the most recent register and select General Ledger on the ribbon.