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Release Notes - Polish Localization 5.4.0

Application version Release date Compatible with Business Central
Version 5.4.0 22.09.2023 from Business Central 20.1 (excluding Business Central 22.0)

Changes and Fixes

The following changes have been made in Polish Localization version 5.4.0.

Functional Changes

ID Description
12113 As part of the integration functionality with the National System e-Invoice (KSeF), support for the logical structure in the FA(2) version has been added. We have made the function for copying VAT rate settings and payment methods from FA(1) to FA(2). There has been an adjustment in the address fields due to changes introduced in the FA(2) logical structure. For more information, read Integration with the National System of e-Invoices on the IT.integro Docs pages.
11655 We have added the NSeI Document No. field to purchase documents. The field contains the number that is assigned to the purchase document by the National e-Invoice System (NSeI). During the posting process, the value of the field is copied to the posted document and related VAT entries.
11946 The Skip on Sending to NSeI field has been added to customer templates.
11141 We have added new event publishers in objects:
  • Codeunit ITICreateSalesCorrLines: OnAfterInsertOrModifySalesCorrLine
  • Codeunit ITICreateSalesCrMemoLines: OnAfterCheckPreconditions, OnCreateItemTrackingLineOnBeforeInsertReservationEntry, OnBeforeFinish,
  • Page ITI Get Sales Invoice Lines: OnBeforeDocumentNoOnFormat
  • Table ITI Sales Corr. Line: OnBeforeValidateLineDiscountPercent, OnBeforeValidateLineDiscountAmount, OnAfterCopyFromSalesInvoiceLine, OnAfterInitTempSalesLine, OnAfterUpdateLineForCancelReason, OnBeforeUpdateSalesCorrLine.
11748 We have blocked the possibility of deleting a session on the NSeI Sessions list page if, during a given session, a document was sent to the NSel or received from the NSeI.
11827 We have added new event publishers to Codeunit ITIUpdateVATRegNoOrigCountCode: OnAfterUpdateCustBeforeCustContUpdate, OnAfterUpdateVendBeforeVendContUpdate.
11742 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1040
We have added new publisher OnAfterInitSalesLine in Codeunit ITICreateSalesCrMemoLines.


ID Description
11835 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1089
We have blocked the ability to remove NSeI schema versions from the page level. Versions that are not up-to-date should be in the Closed status.
11123 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-861,PLFAPPSD-957
We have fixed an issue where request page filters did not work on the Account Schedule PL report.
11258 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-853
We have fixed a problem related to validation of sales return lines for sales correction reasons: Quantity and Cancel.
11714 We have added a feature for creating a credit memo based on the final invoice settling the prepayment. A prepayment settlement line can be added in the sales correction wizard. Credit memos that include prepayment settlement lines can be created from the posted sales invoice by choosing the Correct, Cancel and Create Credit Memo actions.
11794 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-968
We have removed the blank pages that appear before the summary of the amounts in the Adjust Bank Acc. Exchange Rate report.
11795 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1137
We have changed the method for searching reverse entries in the Adjust Bank Acc. Exchange Rate report.
11855 The Fixed Asset action has been removed from the Fixed Assets and Fixed Asset Card pages.
11910 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1101
We have fixed an issue where the language did not change on the Customer - Bal. Reconciliation and the Vendor - Bal. Reconciliation pages.
11914 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1110
We added the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field to the VAT Additional Info page.
12047 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1139
We have changed the reversal of manually posted entries for bank account exchange rate adjustments. The problem was that all records were reverse, not just a single one.
12125 Service Desk Issue: PLFAPPSD-1130
We have fixed an issue where, after creating a sales credit memo using the Create Corrective Credit Memo action from the posted sales invoice, the value of the Nos. Template Code field was incorrect.

See also


System Requirements

Supplemental Applications

Polish Localization User Documentation

Polish Localization on Microsoft AppSource

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