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Release Notes - Polish Localization 6.1.1

Application version Release date Compatible with Business Central
Version 6.1.1 30.11.2023 from Business Central 21.1 (excluding Business Central 22.0)

Changes and Fixes

The following changes have been made in Polish Localization version 6.1.1.

Functional Changes

ID Description
11905 We have added the Copy Type and No. from Original Line field to the allocation type card. If this field is selected: when the Allocate All Lines action is used on a document, the values in the Type and No. fields are copied from the source line to new lines. The Type and No. fields in the allocation type lines definition should be empty.
12718 We have added a feature for blocking changes of VAT attributes on a posted sales invoice header and lines, if VAT attributes are not set to Skip on Sending To NSeI.
12749 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1181
We have added a new event publisher to Codeunit "ITI VATAttributeManagement": OnBeforeCreateVATAttributes.
12752 We have optimized the SetInv function in codeunit 52063326 ITICreateNSeIOutDocumentFA2.
12756 NSeI Schema Version FA1 and related objects has been set as obsolete.
12793 We have added a feature for blocking changes of VAT attributes in a posted sales credit memo and lines, if VAT attributes are not set to Skip on Sending To NSeI.
12853 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1194
We have added a new event publisher: ITIOnBeforeShowErrorForNonDeductibleVAT in page extension "VAT Setup" ("ITI VAT Setup Ext").
12877 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1147
We have added a new event publisher: ITIOnBeforeValidateDocumentReceiptDate in table extension for "Purchase Header" ("ITI Purchase Header Ext.").
12919 The NSeI Invoice Line view has been added to the sales document preview posting.
12923 We have added a new event publisher to Codeunit: "ITI SalesPostEventHandler" OnBeforeCreateNSeIDocument.
12925 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1268
We have added a new page for bank accounts. This page is used in the Adjust Bank Acc. Exchange Rate and Bank Account Exchange Rates reports in order to enable the user to select a cash desk in the Cash Desk Management application.
13016 We have added a new object: codeunit ITINSeIPublisher to handle NSeI publishers.


ID Description
12476 We have deleted obsolete fields related to file handling from the VTR Setup Card page.
12665 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1169
We have added the code for handling the "Show Opposite Sign" in financial reports and a publisher that allows the usre to skip the formating of values by Polish Localization.
12726 We have fixed an issue with incorrect values when Include Beginning Balance is selected in the G/L Acc. Net Change Balance report.
12789 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1240
The Nos. Template Code field has been added to the Purchase Header Archive table.
12790 Compatibility of the application with the next major release has been restored.
12797 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1231, PLFAPPSD-1201
We have added new event publishers: ITIOnAfterValidateVATProdPostingGroup In ITI PurchaseLineEventHandler and OnAfterCollectPrevPrepmts in ITI Sales Prepayment Mgt.
12798 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1179, PLFAPPSD-1296
We have deleted commits from the following procedures: GetTemplateForSalesDoc, GetTemplateForPurchaseDoc, GetTransferOrderTemplate in ITI Document Nos Template codeunit.
12863 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1261
We have improved the checking of the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code in the VAT Reg. No. field when generating the JPK VAT file.
12926 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1221
We have resolved an issue related to creating a corrective invoice. Now, the system checks for the completion of the "Sales Correction Reason" field when creating correction lines. If the field is empty, the system will prevent the creation of a line.
12997 Service Desk Issue PLFAPPSD-1281
We have resolved an issue related to assigning the SAFT Document No. when posting sales transactions in the general journal. If the SAFT Document No. is entered directly in the general journal line, the system will post VAT entries with this number. By default, the SAFT Document No. field is not filled in the journal line and the VAT entry is posted with the Posting No. value.

See also


System Requirements

Supplemental Applications

Polish Localization User Documentation

Polish Localization on Microsoft AppSource

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