Contractor Data in the VAT Register
Polish accounting regulations oblige each business entity to enter all key information about the contracting party in the sales and purchase VAT register. When recording purchase invoices from one-time vendors, you can avoid the need to create special cards to settle them. Polish Localization provides the features that change the posting of VAT transactions by adding the possibility to provide the contracting party data. These changes cover the data entry in the general journal and in purchase invoices. Most often, this functionality is used when settling employee prepayments or when posting the Customs Declaration Certificate.
Creating a Card for an Employee or Customs Office
To apply purchase invoices with employee prepayments and post the Customs Declaration Certificates, you need to create vendor cards for a relevant employee or customs office. To do so, perform the following steps:
- Create a new vendor card in the standard way.
- Fill in employee or customs office data on the card (name and surname, address details and tax identification number are not necessary). Fill in all posting group fields in the same way as for vendors.
Applying the Employee Prepayment or Posting the Customs Declaration Certificate
To apply the employee prepayment or post the customs declaration certificate:
- In the new purchase invoice card, choose the Vendor No. field on the General FastTab, select the card of the vendor that has been previously defined for an employee or customs office.
- The data of the employee or customs office entered into the card are copied to the purchase invoice.
- To display the data of an actual vendor, instead of the data used on the card, display the VAT Contractor list page in the VAT Contractor field on the Invoice Details Fast Tab and select one vendor from the list. If needed, vendor data can be added to the Contacts list. The method for adding VAT contracting parties has been described in Posting VAT Documents in General Journals.
- The system automatically copies VAT contractor’s data into the purchase invoice header.
- Fill in the remaining purchase invoice data in the standard way, and then post the purchase invoice. As a result of posting, vendor (VAT contracting party) data on the purchase invoice is copied to the VAT Entries and Sales/Purchase VAT Reg. tables
The Contractor Data in the VAT Register functionality is also available on the Purchase Orders page.