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Orders and Internal Sales Invoices

Under Polish law, some transactions which involve the free-of-charge provision of goods and services, should be treated as sales transactions in terms of VAT calculation; therefore sales VAT has to be calculated. If any VAT amount is calculated based on this assumption, it should be registered as a cost. The Polish Localization application has been equipped with a tool that simplifies the process of additional VAT registration for this type of transactions.

Defining Internal Customer Settings

To create and post internal sales orders and invoices, define an internal customer card with relevant settings. To define the settings for an internal customer:

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter General Ledger Setup, and then select a related link.
  2. On the Gen. Bus. Posting Groups page, that opens, define the code of a new group which will be used for internal posting of internal sales invoices.
  3. On the same page, select the line with a new group and select Setup.
  4. On the Gen. Posting Setup page that opens, select New.
  5. On the General Posting Setup Card, define proper settings by entering the same non- balance sheet G/L account for internal posting in the fields on the Sales FastTab: Sales Account, Sales Credit Memo Account, Sales Line Disc. Account, Sales Inv. Disc. Account.. On the Inventory FastTab, fill in the COGS Account field by selecting a general ledger account to be used to post the value of a product which was shipped free of charge.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each selected combination of codes for Gen. Bus. Posting Group and Gen. Prod. Posting Group.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter Customer Posting Groups, and then select a related link.
  2. On the Customer Posting Groups page. In the first line, enter a unique code of the customer posting group for internal postings and in the Receivables Account field select the same non-balance sheet account to be used for internal postings which was used on the General Posting Setup page:
  3. Choose Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature, enter Payment Methods, and then select a related link.
  4. On the Payment Methods page that opens, in the first empty line, enter a unique code and description of a method used for the settlement of internal postings. In the Bal. Account Type field, select G/L Account and for internal postings, in the Bal. Account No. field select the same non-balance sheet G/L account which was used in the previous setup.
  5. Define an internal customer card for posting internal sales invoices. For this purpose, create a new customer card in a standard way and enter customer-specific parameters:
    • On the Invoicing FastTab:
      • Gen. Bus. Posting Group – Select this field to view a drop down list and select a code of the previously defined group.
      • VAT Bus. Posting Group – Select this field to view a drop down list and select a code of the group the settings of which are to be used for calculation of a self-charged VAT amount.
      • Customer Posting Group – Select this field to view a drop down list and select a code of the previously defined group.
    • On the Payments FastTab:
      • Payment Method Code – Select this field to view a drop down list and select a code of the previously defined method.

It is recommended that the name, address details and tax identification number of the internal customer are identical with the customer company data, but it is not an obligatory requirement.

  1. For a sales VAT to be assigned to costs, define codes and relevant G/L accounts linked to these G/L accounts. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter Contacts, and then select a related link.

  2. In the Self-Charged VAT window that will open, in the first free line, enter the settings:

    • Code – Specify a unique code for a specific VAT type to be assigned to costs.
    • Description – Specify a description for a selected VAT type to be assigned to costs.
    • VAT Cost Account – Specify a G/L cost account code on which the VAT amount is to be posted.
    • VAT Settlement Account - Specify the same non- balance sheet account for internal posting which was used in the previous setup.

Posting Self-Charged VAT for Goods Provided Free of Charge

To calculate the self-charged VAT amount based on the value of goods or items that were provided fee of charge:

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter Sales Invoices, and then select a related link.
  2. Open a new sales order card. In the Customer No. field, expand the drop-down list and select a previously defined internal customer or customer to whom the item is to be shipped. In the latter case, select the internal customer in the Bill-to Customer No. field on the Invoicing FastTab. The system automatically fills in some of the sales invoice header fields based on data which is assigned to a selected customer (a bill-to customer) card by default, including Customer Name, Customer Address, Gen. Bus. Posting Group, VAT Bus. Posting Group and Payment Method Code.

In a drop-down list in the Self Charged VAT Code field, select the proper and previously defined VAT to be self-charged.

  1. In the Type field on the Lines FastTab, select theItem option, and in the No. field, select the item which is to be shipped free of charge. Fields: Fill in the Quantity and Location Code fields by default. In the Unit Price Excl.VAT field, enter a sales price which will be used to set a base amount to calculate the self-charged VAT amount.
  2. Enter the remaining data in the sales order as standard and post the issue and the sales invoice.

When a sales invoice based on an internal order is posted, the program creates general ledger entries based on defined settings. Then, the VAT amount is posted at general ledger accounts, i.e. sales VAT and cost accounts, whereas the value of the shipped item is posted at general ledger accounts i.e. warehouse and cost account. The other net and gross amounts which result from internal automated posting, are posted at a non-balance sheet account used in the setup for internal purposes.

Viewing General Ledger Entries for Goods Provided Free of Charge

To view the results of posting an internal sales invoice, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature, enter Posted Sales Invoices, and then select a related link.
  2. Open the file of the posted sales invoice and select the Navigate action.
  3. On the Navigate page, select the G/L Entry line and choose Show Related Entries action.

Creating an Internal Sales Invoice for Advertising and Representation Costs

To create and issue an internal sales invoice for purchases related to advertising and representation costs:

  1. Choose Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature, enter Sales Invoices, and then select a related link.
  2. Open a new sales invoice card and theCustomer No. (Sales) field to view the drop down list and select the previously defined internal customer. The system automatically fills in some of the sales invoice header fields based on the data that is assigned to a selected customer card by default, including Customer Name, Customer Address, Gen. Bus. Posting Group, VAT Bus. Posting Group and Payment Method Code.

In a drop-down list in the Self Charged VAT Code field, select the proper and previously defined VAT to be self-charged.

  1. In the Type field on the Lines FastTab, select the G/L Account, and in the No field select the same non- balance sheet account for internal posting which was used in the previous setup. In the Quantity field, enter 1, and in the Unit Price Excl. VAT field enter the amount to be used to calculate a self-charged VAT amount.
  2. Enter the missing data in the sales invoice as usual and post it.

When an internal sales invoice is posted, the program creates general ledger entries based on defined settings. The program posts a VAT amount on G/L accounts i.e. sales VAT and cost accounts. The other net and gross amounts, which result from internal posting, are posted on a temporary non-balance sheet account used in the setup.

Viewing General Ledger Entries for an Internal Invoice

To view the results of posting an internal sales invoice:

  1. Choose Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature, enter Posted Sales Invoices, and then select a related link.
  2. Open a posted sales invoice card and select Navigate.
  3. On the Navigate page, select the G/L Entry line and choose the Show action.

The self-charged VAT feature is supported within the following documents: Sales Invoice, Sales Order, Sales Credit Memo, Sales Return Order.