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VAT Registration Number Origin Country Code

In connection with the requirements for the Standard Audit File and the introduction of the National e-Invoices System, it is required to handle various combinations of tax identification numbers that are used in business transactions and are assigned to contractors both in their home countries and in other countries. Individual business entities may be registered for the purposes of conducting business activity in other countries and have a tax identification number required to conduct tax settlements in a given country. Polish Localization supports such cases.

Setting up the VAT Registration Number Origin Country Code

A VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field has been added to all pages and tables in the system where the NIP field is used. The values in the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field are the values entered based on the fields in the Country/Region Code column on the Countries/Regions page; therefore you should check if the fields have been entered properly.

The format of the VAT Registration No. field that is defined on the VAT Registration No. Formats is validated depending on VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field. If this field contains a value, the VAT Registration No. field format is validated based on this value. If the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field is empty, the format of the VAT Registration No. field is validated on the basis of the Country/Region Code field on the Customer Card or Vendor Card pages.

Entering the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code and VAT Registration No. in Cards

To fill in the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code and NIP fields on a customer card (and similarly on the contact and vendor cards):

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter Customers, and then select a related link.
  2. On the Customer Card page, on the Invoicing FastTab, fill in the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field.
  3. Fill in the VAT Registration No. field without entering the prefix of the country in which the VAT registration number was assigned. The country prefix is already displayed in the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field.

If the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field has been filled in, the prefix is not used in the VAT Registration No. field.

Entering the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code and VAT Registration No. for Documents

Similarly to VAT Registration No., the value in the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field is automatically entered in the sales, purchase and service documents from the customer or vendor cards.

To fill in VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code and VAT Registration No. in the sales invoice (and similarly in other document types):

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter Sales Invoices, and then select a related link.
  2. On the Sales Invoice page, on the Invoice Details FastTab, fill in the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field.
  3. Fill in the VAT Registration No. field without the prefix of the country in which the VAT registration number was issued. The country prefix is already displayed in the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field.

Whether the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field is mandatory or not, depends on the VAT Transaction Type on the VAT Business Posting Groups page. If, for a business posting group used on a given document, the VAT Transaction Type is equal to EU, the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field is obligatory.

Upgrade Codeunit

Previously, it was required that the VAT Registration No. should include the prefix of a country where the VAT registration number was assigned in the VAT Registration No. field. To ensure compliance with the new requirements, the information contained in this field should be split into two fields:

  • the VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code field which contains only the prefix and
  • the VAT Registration No. field, from which the prefix will be removed.

An upgrade codeunit was provided to split the information into these two fields. The upgrade codeunit is to be used only for the files, documents and entries with VAT Transaction Type equal to EU provided that the appropriate code was used in the VAT Business Posting Group field. The upgrade codeunit is run automatically when upgrading the application version. You can also run it manually by selecting the Update VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code action on the Functions FastTab on the General Ledger Setup page.


Running the upgrade codeunit while upgrading the application modifies the files: Customer Card, Vendor Card and Contact Card, as well as unposted sales, purchase and service documents. By running the Update VAT Reg. No. Origin Country Code, you will modify all objects listed above and posted sales, purchase and service documents, as well as VAT entries.