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Default Dimensions for Item Journal Lines

The functionality of default dimensions for item journal lines makes it easier to handle parallel postings. It allows you to define a set of default dimensions depending on the parameters of the following item journal line:

  • item journal line type;
  • general business posting group;
  • general product posting group and
  • inventory posting group.

This setup is used to assign default dimensions to the relevant item journal lines.

Setting up Default Dimensions for Item Journal Lines

To define default dimension setup for item journal lines:

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter Item Journal Line Default Dimension Setup, and then select a related link.

  2. On the Item Journal Line Default Dimension Setup page, choose the New action and fill in the following fields:

    • Code - Specifies a unique code that identifies the default dimension setup for item journal lines.
    • Entry Type - Specifies the item journal line type.
    • Gen. Business Posting Group - Specifies the general business posting group.
    • Gen. Prod. Posting Group - Specifies the general product posting group.
    • Inventory Posting Group - Specifies the inventory posting group.
  3. Choose the Dimensions action.

  4. On the Item Journal Line Default Dimension page, choose New and fill in the following fields:

    • Dimension Code - Specifies the dimension code.
    • Dimension Value Code - Specifies the dimension value code.

Using Default Dimensions for Item Journal Lines

When you create item journal lines, the system verifies if default dimensions setup is specified for item journal lines that include the same line type, general business posting group, general product posting group and inventory posting group. If setup is specified, the dimension set defined in the setup will be assigned to relevant journal lines.


The Gen. Business Posting Group field can be left blank. This setting is applied, item journal lines contain any general business posting group.

If you define different sets of default dimension settings with the same line type, general product posting group and inventory posting group, where the general business posting group is specified in one of these sets and it is blank in the other, the set with a specified general posting group has higher priority.