Cash Desk Card Setup
Cash desk card is used to define basic cash desk setup including a cash desk name, cashier, number series for cash desk documents and cash desk posting groups.
Creating a Cash Desk Card
To create a cash desk card:
Choose the icon, enter Cash Desk Account List, and then choose the related link.
On the Cash Desk Account List page choose the New action and fill in the required fields:
On the General FastTab:
No. - Specifies the cash desk number. It is assigned automatically from a predefined number series.
Name and Name 2 - Specifies the cash register name.
Cashier User ID - Specifies the user ID who is responsible for posting operations for a selected cash desk. Select the cashier ID from a drop-down list.
If the Cashier User ID field remains empty, all users will have the permission to post transactions at a given cash desk.
On the Communication FastTab, optionally, fill in the following fields:
- Address and Address 2 - Specify the address.
- Post Code - Specify the address manually or choose it from a drop-down list.
- City - Specify the city manually or choose it from a drop-down list.
- Country/Region Code - Specify the country code manually or choose it from a drop-down list.
- Phone No., Contact, Fax No., E-mail, Website.
On the Posting FastTab:
Currency Code - Specify the currency code manually or select it from the drop-down list.
Phone No.
If a local currency is used at the cash desk, the field should be left blank.
Cash Desk Posting Group -Specify the code of the bank account posting group. You can select the code from the drop-down list in this field.
Cash Desk Receipt Nos. - -Specify the code of the number series to be used for a cash desk receipt. You can select the code from the drop-down list in this field. Cash desk receipt numbers will be assigned on the basis of this number series.
Cash Desk Withdrawal Nos. - -Specifies the code of the number series for a cash desk withdrawal. You can select the code from the drop-down list in this field. Cash desk withdrawal numbers will be assigned on the basis of this no. series.
Cash Desk Report Nos. - Specifies the code of the number series for a cash desk report. You can select the code from the drop-down list in this field. Cash desk report numbers will be assigned on the basis of this number series.
Posted Cash Desk Receipt Nos. - Specify the code of the number series to be used for a posted cash desk receipt. You can select the code from the drop-down list in this field. Cash desk receipt numbers will be assigned on the basis of this number series.
Posted Cash Desk Withdrawal Nos. - Specify the code of the number series to be used for a posted cash desk withdrawal. You can select the code from the drop-down list in this field. Cash desk withdrawal numbers will be assigned on the basis of this number series.
Global Dimension 1 Code and Global Dimension 2 Code - Specify default dimension values for the cash desk. You can select the dimensions from the drop-down list in this field.
If you fill in the Global Dimension 1 Code and Global Dimension 2 Code fields, the dimension values are inserted into cash desk documents by default.
Negative Balance Not Allowed - Specify that posting of a cash desk withdrawal should be blocked, if it results in a negative balance at a cash desk.