Table of Contents

Payment Proposals

Payment proposal is a primary document that is used to create transfers to be sent to banking systems. The following picture shows the structure of this document.

The user can create a new payment proposal by using the New Payment Proposal action in the user's role center or on the Payment Proposal List page by using the New from Template action. The following picture shows the structure of this document.

Creating a Payment Proposal

To create a new payment proposal:

  1. Choose New Payment Payment Proposal in the role center or the New from Template on the Payment Proposal List page.
  2. On the list select the template to create the payment proposal.
  3. Confirm your selection to open the payment proposal card. For details, read Payment Proposals Card.

Payment Proposal Functionality

The following table lists the topics related to payment proposals.

To See
Define settings in the payment proposal card Payment Proposal Card
Suggest payment lines Suggesting Payment Lines
Learn how to create payment proposal lines by using the recipient payment worksheet Recipient Payment Worksheet
Find information about detailed payment proposal lines Detailed Payment Proposal Lines
Approve documents Payment Proposal Approval
Generate Payment Proposal Files Generating a Payment Proposal File
Create, export, void and delete archived payment proposals Archived Payment Proposals
Print, save or send the Remittance Advice report Remittance Advice Report