Setting up a Fiscal Printer
To create and post fiscal documents, you must configure the default fiscal printer you want to use for printing receipts within the integrated fiscalization process in Dynamics 365 Business Central.
You must define the general configuration settings for the fiscal printer, such as the number of the default fiscal printer, minimum and maximum length for printed text strings, VAT settings, fields to be displayed and included on print-outs, printer ports, protocols, ect. Then, you can add new fiscal printers that will be used within your system.
Creating a Fiscal Printer
The following procedure shows how to set a fiscal printer up for the fiscalization process.
Choose the
icon, enter Fiscal Printers, and then select a related link.
On the Fiscal Printers that is open, fill in the mandatory fields as described below:
Fiscal Printer No. - Specifies the number of the fiscal printer.
Min. Name Length - Specifies the minimum length of a printed string.
Max. Name Length - Specifies the maximum length of a printed string.
VAT A - Specifies the VAT A setting for VAT% that is used with this fiscal printer.
VAT B - Specifies the VAT B setting for VAT% that is used with this fiscal printer.
VAT C - Specifies the VAT C setting for VAT% that is used with this fiscal printer.
VAT D - Specifies the VAT D setting for VAT% that is used with this fiscal printer.
VAT E - Specifies the VAT E setting for VAT% that is used with this fiscal printer.
VAT F - Specifies the VAT F setting for VAT% that is used with this fiscal printer.
VAT G - Specifies the VAT G setting for VAT% that is used with this fiscal printer.
VAT H - Specifies the VAT H setting for VAT% that is used with this fiscal printer.
Fiscal Connector Settings
To set up a connection to your specific printer, set up properly all additional communication components. For more detailed information, see Installing and Configuring Additional Components.
The following settings are included in the fiscal connector configuration that is provided as part of fiscal integration:
Unique No. - Specifies the unique number o the fiscal printer operation.
Last Test Date - Specifies the date of the last fiscal printer operation.
Last Test Result - Specifies the status of the last fiscal printer operation. The following results can be displayed in the field:
- Correct- Specifies the success status of fiscal printer.
- Failed - Specifies the failed status of fiscal printer.
Fiscal Printer Protocol - Specifies the protocol used for communication with a fiscal printer. The following options are available:
- Thermal- A communication protocol between the fiscal printer and Dynamics 365 Business Central. This protocol is used by different printer producers like Novitus, Elzab, Posnet.
- Posnet - A communication protocol between the fiscal printer and Dynamics 365 Business Central. This protocol is used by Posnet in newer version of the printers.
For Posnet printers, set up the Posnet communication protocol.
Cashier Identification - Specifies the display name of Cashier on fiscal receipt.
- Cashier Code - Specifies that fiscal receipt will be printed based on salesperson/purchaser code from posted document.
- Cashier Name - Specifies that fiscal receipt will be printed based on salesperson/purchaser name from posted document.
No VAT A - Ignore fiscal printer VAT A settings for VAT%.
No VAT B - Ignore fiscal printer VAT B settings for VAT%.
No VAT C - Ignore fiscal printer VAT C settings for VAT%.
No VAT D - Ignore fiscal printer VAT D settings for VAT%.
No VAT E - Ignore fiscal printer VAT E settings for VAT%.
No VAT F - Ignore fiscal printer VAT F settings for VAT%.
No VAT G - Ignore fiscal printer VAT G settings for VAT%.
No VAT H - Ignore fiscal printer VAT H settings for VAT%.
No VAT Prod. Posting Group - Specifies VAT Prod. Posting Group for fiscal printer.
Printer Connection Timeout - Specifies the fiscal printer connection timeout after unsuccessful connection request.
Communication Parameter (ms) - Specifies the timeout parameters for fiscal printer communication.
Connection Type - Specifies the connection type for fiscal printer.
- Serial Port - A communication interface that allows data to be transferred between devices through a serial connection.
- TCP/IP - A communication protocol used to interconnect network devices on the internet. TCP/IP is also used as a communications protocol in private computer networks.
IP Address - Specifies the IP Address for fiscal printer connection.
Serial Port No. - Specifies the serial port number for fiscal printer connection.
RS232 Communication Speed - Specifies the RS232 communication speed type for a fiscal printer, i.e. how many bits passed through the communication protocol per second. The following values are possible:
- 9600,
- 19200P,
- 28800,
- 38400,
- 57600,
- 115200
Print VAT Reg. No. - Specifies, if VAT registration number from posted document is to be printed.
The Fiscal Printer Protocol, Connection Type, IP Address, Port No., Serial Port No., RS232 Communication Speed fields should be set up based on the actual fiscal printer setup. To view the valid setup of a fiscal printer, you can print a non-fiscalized setup report on the fiscal printer (but first, refer to the technical documentation provided for your fiscal printer to check if printing such a report is possible).
See Also
Installing and Configuring Communication Components for Azure Service Bus Relay
Installing and Configuring Communication Components for a Local Agent