Table of Contents

Master Data Management System

Master Data Management System (abbrev. MDMS) is an application that ensures data consistency when replicating data between multiple Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central databases. For this purpose, MDMS offers functions that enable the user to set up any set of data within Dynamics 365 Business Central database and replicate it to another Dynamics 365 Business Central database.

With its features for replication, master data management and data consistency, the MDMS application supports companies that use Dynamics 365 Business Central in multiple subsidiaries.

In MDMS, target companies with databases, to which data will be replicated are set up as receivers. It is possible to set up multiple receivers.

The structure of data replicated is set up as data sets.

Users can use any number of created data sets and set them up to be replicated to a particular receiver, by using a replication card. Replication can be set up as either Full or Incremental. While processing incremental replication, only the data changed or added since the last replication is exported.

The application is particularly useful when a company wants to create and maintain standardized Dynamics 365 Business Central cards (e.g. items, BOMs, vendor cards) in one main company/headquarters – called “master” company, and afterwards synchronize the cards and data with its subsidiaries (“receiver” companies).

The MDMS application uses SOAP Web Services as a data transport layer.

Frequently Asked Questions



MDMS: Master Data Management System.

Master Company: A company where all data considered global is stored.

Receiver Company: A company to which data is sent.


Master Data Management System for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central® is an application available in both license models: cloud (online, SaaS) and on-premises (perpetual license and subscription). Since the release of wave 2 of Business Central 2019, the [!include[master-data-management-system-md](] application is offered as a single solution for both the online and on-premises versions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Business Processes

Master Company

Receiver Company

Basic Process Walkthrough

Administration and Installation

Product Lifecycle Policy

Business Central - Base Application

MDMS has been designed based on the technology and functionality of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Business Central, as a popular ERP system, supports the management of small and medium-sized companies worldwide, enabling them to automate and streamline their business processes in many business areas.


Documentation for Business Central, the base application, has been published on Microsoft Docs.

Get Started with MDMS

To get started with Dynamics 365 Business Central and MDMS, contact IT.integro at

See Also

Master Data Management System on the AppSource marketplace

Master Data Management System - part of Global Integration Apps from IT.integro

Other applications in the IT.integro's offer

Business Central Base Application documentation

Policies for Product Documentation and Related Online Documents