Entering and Printing Cash Desk Documents
The cash desk registers two types of transactions: receipts and withdrawals. Both types of transactions can be entered from the cash desk card, the main menu for the Cashier role, or by selecting the icon and searching for the appropriate list of documents.
If, creating cash desk reports was set up as mandatory, it is necessary to open the cash desk report before the first operation is entered at the cash desk. For more details on how to create a cash desk report, read Cash Desk Reports.
Entering Cash Desk Documents
To register cash desk receipts or withdrawals on the cash desk card:
Choose the icon, enter Cash Desk Account List, and then choose the related link.
On the Cash Desk Account List page, select and open the cash desk card, and then choose New - Cash Desk Receipt or Cash Desk Withdrawal.
To register a cash desk receipt or withdrawals in the main menu:
- From the main menu, select +Cash Desk Receipt**(+Cash Desk Withdrawal**).
- From the list of predefined cash desks, choose the cash desk, for which you want to create a document.
If the Cashier role is set, you can open the Opened Cash Desk Receipts or Open Cash Desk Withdrawals list from the tiles on the homepage and then choose New.
The following steps are the same for all cash desk documents, regardless of how they were created.
- On the Cash Desk Receipt (Cash Desk Withdrawal) page some of the fields are filled in automatically.
On the General FastTab:
- Cash Desk No. - Specifies the number of the cash desk, for which you upload a document. The field is filled in automatically.
- No. - Specifies the number in accordance with the previously assigned number series. The field is filled in automatically.
- Receive-from Name (Pay-to Name) - Specify the names and the last names of persons who made and received payment.
- Receive-from Name 2 (Pay-to-Name 2) - Specify additional information about persons who made and received payment.
- Currency Code - Specifies the currency code assigned to the cash desk account card. The field is filled in automatically. Under the AssistEdit button next to this field the Change Exchange Rate window opens, in which, in the Relational Exch. Rate Amount field, the default exchange rate taken from the Currency Exchange Rates window for a given currency is inserted. If needed, you can change this currency exchange rate manually in a selected cash desk document.
- Amount and Amount (LCY) - Specifies the sum of the values on a selected cash desk document, both in the source currency and in the local currency. These values are non-editable.
- Posting Date, Document Date - Specifies the working date. This field is filled automatically. The date can be changed manually in both fields.
- Correction - Specify if transactions are to be posted to general ledger accounts on the opposite side with a minus sign (as the so-called red storno).
- No. Printed - The field is non-editable and it is filled automatically.
On the Dimensions FastTab, you can enter global dimension values according to defined dimension posting rules. You can enter the additional dimension values in the Edit Dimension Set Entries window opened by choosing Related, Cash Desk Doc. and Dimensions on the ribbon.
On the Cash Desk Receipt Lines(Cash Desk Withdrawal Lines) enter the following transaction details:
- Account Type - Specify the account type as the cash desk balancing account in the posted transaction.
- Account No. - Specify a balancing account for the cash desk account used in the posted transaction. Choose the account from the drop-down account list that matches the type specified in the Account Type field.
- Document Type - This field is filled automatically based on the entered parameters.
- Applies-to Doc. Type andApplies-to Doc. No. - Specify the type and number of the document the posted transaction is to be settled with.
These fields can only be used for selected account types: Customer or Vendor and they are relevant for one applies-to document. To apply more documents, choose Functions and Apply Entries. The further steps of the procedure are carried out in a standard way.
- Description - Specifies the account name. The account name is copied automatically, but you can change the description manually.
- Amount - Specifies the transaction amount. Enter the transaction amount; this amount will be used to fill in the Amount (LCY) field automatically. For transactions in the local currency, it is be the same amount, and for transactions in a foreign currency, it is the amount converted according to the exchange rate applicable on the transaction posting date.
- On Hold (hidden by default) - Completing this field is relevant only for customer ledger entries and vendor ledger entries - on-hold entries are omitted when suggesting payments.
In the next step, you can choose Preview Posting to verify any errors or missing information in the document and to preview how the entries will be posted. You can also print a test document by selecting Print.
Then choose the Post or Post and Print action. After successful posting, a message with the document number will be displayed.
Printing Cash Desk Receipts and Withdrawals
You can print cash desk withdrawals and receipts that have been posted.
Choose the icon, enter Posted Cash Desk Receipts or Posted Cash Desk Withdrawals, and then choose the related link.
In the window with the posted receipt/withdrawal list, select the line with the posted cash desk receipt (posted cash desk withdrawal) and choose Print Posted Cash Desk Receipt (Print Posted Cash Desk Withdrawal).
Optionally, you can open the selected posted cash desk receipt (posted cash desk withdrawal) in the form of a card and choose Print.
- In the initial report window that opens, you can change the filters set by default and then choose Print orPreview and Close.
Posted cash desk document receipts/withdrawals are also available on the cash desk card.
If the Cashier role is set, you can open the Posted Cash Desk Receipts or Posted Cash Desk Withdrawals list, by selecting a corresponding tile on the homepage.