Cash Desk Operations Management in accordance with Local Legal Regulations
The Cash Desk Management application can be used by companies that operate in multiple countries. With its flexible architecture, the application enables adding new elements that meet specific country or company requirements for handling, registering and reporting cash desk operations.
Handling Polish Legal Requirements for Managing Cash Desk Operations
The method for managing cash operations depends on the business activity principles the company complies with.
In the scope of obligations related to cash desk operations, Article 17 of of the Accounting Act states that companies which use cash desk are obliged to maintain ledgers as analytical records of cash desk operations. In practice, this requirement is met by a cash desk report, i.e. a document constituting a list of operations performed in a specific period (day, week or month).
The Cash Desk Management application enables the user to create cash desk reports for a specific cash desk and operation currency. For more information about cash desk reports, see Cash Desk Reports.