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Correcting or Cancelling Fiscal Receipts

You can correct or cancel a fiscal receipt. This is useful, if you make a mistake or if the customer requests a return. In case when the sales invoice has been posted for the fiscal receipt you create a sales credit memo.

Creating a Fiscal Receipt Return from a Sales Return Order

The following procedure describes how to create a fiscal receipt return.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter Sales Return Orders, and then select a related link.

  2. Choose the New action.

  3. Fill in the fields on the General FastTab as necessary.

  4. On the Invoice Details FastTab, the Fiscal Document Type field specifies which type of fiscalization document will be corrected.

[WARNING] If the Fiscal Document Type field is empty on the sales return order card, you cannot create a return for fiscal documents. For more information, see Creating a Fiscal Receipt.

  1. Use the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse function to select lines from fiscal receipt, which will be corrected.

[WARNING] On the single sales return order only one fiscal receipt can be corrected.

  1. On the created lines of sales return order, enter the correction changes that correspond with quantity.

  2. Post sales return order using Post action.

Cancelling a Fiscal Receipt

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter Fiscal Receipts, and then select a related link.

  2. Select the fiscal receipt that you would like to cancel.

  3. Use the Cancel function to cancel a fiscal receipt. A sales return order will be automatically created and posted, it means that all positions from the fiscal receipt will be returned. Fiscal return order will be stored in the system and the source fiscal receipt will be updated.

  4. Choose the Show Canceled/Corrective Fiscal Receipt Return action to view the fiscal receipt return that voids the initial fiscal receipt.

Correcting a Fiscal Receipt

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter Fiscal Receipts, and then select a related link.

  2. Select the fiscal receipt that you would like to correct.

  3. Use the Create Corrective Fiscal Receipt Return function to create a sales return order for fiscal receipt. This action will open Sales Return Order page with all lines copied from the source fiscal receipt. On the lines of sales return order, enter the correction changes that correspond with quantity.

  4. Post sales return order using Post action.

  5. Open page Fiscal Receipts and choose the Show Canceled/Corrective Fiscal Receipt Return action to view the posted fiscal return orders.